De online exhibitie voor abstracte, geabstraheerde, moderne en hedendaagse schilderkunst
Online exhibitie voor moderne schilderkunst
Db Waterman
Geschilderd door Db Waterman

My home town

My home town geschilderd door Db Waterman

This work tells the story of a girl who grew up in an industrial environment but does not care. She has adapted and loves her youth. She feels good, in her HOME TOWN.
I assemble original photographs, matching paper, acrylic, oil, charcoal, ink and pencil in my work. The variety of resources I can use has proved indispensable to me. I always liked the appearance of weathered walls, covered with peeling paint and old posters.

Geschilderd door
Db Waterman


Totale grootte
20 x 30 cm

Gemaakt op
Juli 2019

Grijs / Groen


€ 200,-

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Kunst impressie
Een globale impressie van het schilderij "My home town" 20x30cm.

Andere schilderijen van Db Waterman

Of all places
63 x 40 cm

Happy Holidays
20 x 30 cm

Wednesday swing
48 x 63 cm

Silent suits II
42 x 55 cm

Plenty to choose from
64 x 46 cm

40 x 40 cm

Saturday swing
48 x 63 cm

40 x 40 cm

Rhetorical wizard
120 x 60 cm

Silent suits
39,5 x 47,5 cm