De online exhibitie voor abstracte, geabstraheerde, moderne en hedendaagse schilderkunst
Online exhibitie voor moderne schilderkunst
Chrizys Art
Geschilderd door Chrizys Art

See, this is all you need

See, this is all you need geschilderd door Chrizys Art

The painting is about a funny story. A person wants to give everything to his love. Takes everything out, but puts too much effort. What he or she has to bring is only love.

Geschilderd door
Chrizys Art


Totale grootte
200 x 160 cm

Gemaakt op
September 2020

Blauw / Groen

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Kunst impressie
Een globale impressie van het schilderij "See, this is all you need" 200x160cm.

Andere schilderijen van Chrizys Art

Traffic Mind
160 x 160 cm

I didn't forget her
100 x 160 cm

What if I will jump
30 x 30 cm

200 x 100 cm

60 x 80 cm

Painting 0141
90 x 120 cm

Frozen oxygen
160 x 160 cm

Drifting Away
100 x 160 cm

From the far depht
100 x 120 cm

Deep down inside
100 x 160 cm